(カテゴリ:植物) (投稿日:2020年04月10日)
閉館中ではありますが、植物はすくすく生長しています。ヒスイカズラにも劣らぬ人気者、メディニラ マグニフィカにもピンク色の大きな苞の中からたくさんの蕾があらわれてきました。
Plants are growing so fast even the botanical garden closed. Many buds have appeared from the large pink bracts on Medinilla Magnifica. This plant is as popular as Jade vine.
メディニラ マグニフィカ Medinilla magnifica
It is like a grape. A large bunch has about 200 buds. Magnifica means "large" in Latin.
Some of these plants were already flowering. Each flower is small but very colorful.