アーモンドの果肉 Almond pulp
(カテゴリ:植物) (投稿日:2020年08月31日)
Hello, everyone.
Today is the last day of August but still hot.
It is too hot for us but plants are fine.
We will introduce the Almond tree which is in the courty yard of Europe area.
As you know, we eat seeds part of Almond fruit.
Only seeds?
Yes, we introduced only Almond as a nuts.
Look at these amazing color of fruits! We thought we should try to eat it.
Almond fruits
Almonds are the same rose family plants as peaches, plums, and apricots.
Isn't it possible to eat this colored ripe almond deliciously?
So we picked it up of fallen fruits.
Most are seeds and the pulp is less than 1 cm.
The area around the seeds was colored red, the pulp was white, and when we cut, it smelled like a peach.
We expected that it must be tasty then tried to eat...
Well...We could eat it but after flesh peach flavor, bitter taste is remained.
This is not good to eat.
Did the ancestors decide to try the seeds because the pulp has a disappointing taste?
We had tasting it for the study and guide. Please note that the plants inside the botanical hall are basically neither touchable nor edible.
To prevent the spread of new corona infectious diseases, the Tokiwa museum will be closed until September 6th (Sun). We apologize for the inconvenience, but please understand that as well.